Publications, Productions and Achievements
Included below are publications, magazines, documentaries and books featuring Austro-Hungarian Naval Battleship artwork and illustrations created by Andrew Wilkie. He has been fortunate to collaborate with various authors in the creation of their literary work.
Item | Details |
Publisher: | Kagero (![]() |
Website Link: | ![]() |
ISBN: | 978-83-64596-64-3 |
Description: | Dedicated to the computerized 3D model of the Viribus Unitis, full of detailed renderings by Andrew Wilkie and textual history written by Friedrich Prasky. 72 pages • 123 renders • Gloss coated paper • Format (sizes): A4 (210x297 mm) • Booklet binding |
Item | Details |
Publisher: | Kagero (![]() |
Website Link: | ![]() |
ISBN: | 978-83-65437-21-1 |
Description: | Front and Back Cover Illustrations provided by Andrew Wilkie. The book contains 84 pages, 93 photos, 8 anaglyphs, 2 renders 3D, 46 drawings |
Item | Description |
Publisher: | LOS! The Naval War Design Magazine (![]() |
Website Link: | ![]() |
Description: | 20 pages of historical information about the Viribus Unitis, featuring photos and 3D model renderings by Andrew Wilkie. |
Item | Description |
Publisher: | FHS Austria (![]() |
Publish Date: | July 2008, Edition 30 |
Website Link: | ![]() |
Description: | Three pages in this Austrian Maritime magazine dedicated to the battleship Szent István, written by Erwin Sieche. The front cover and inside back cover feature renderings by Andrew Wilkie. |
Item | Description |
Publisher: | National Geographic Hungary (![]() |
Publish Date: | February 2009 |
Description: | Eleven pages of historical pictures, maps, illustrations, and wreck dive photos of the Austro-Hungarian battleship Szent István. The 3D model of the Szent István created by Andrew Wilkie is featured in three sections. |
Item | Description |
A Film By: | Maria Magdalena Koller; Produced by Heinrich Mayer (Interspot Films) |
Original Airing: | Thu 27.11.2008 ORF2 |
YouTube Video: | ![]() |
June 10, 1918: SMS "Szent István" sinks in the Adriatic Sea. The most advanced battleship of the K.u.K. Kreigsmarine perishes when hit by two torpedoes from the Italian motorboat MAS-15. The "Szent István" - a giant warship equipped with triple turrets, erected in the Hungarian war harbor of Fiume with a construction cost of half a billion Austro-Hungarian crowns. The successful shooter is Luigi Rizzo and has since been a national hero in Italy. Another man becomes a hero on the sinking ship: Franz Dueller. The corporal and his machine crew in the boiler room manage to keep the ship afloat for nearly three hours, so that most of the crew can escape. "Death at dawn" documents the demise of SMS "Szent István", the climax and at the same time dramatic ending point in the battle between the former allies Italy and Austria-Hungary in the First World War. |
Item | Description |
ISBN: | 978-3-200-02962-0 |
Publish Date: | August 2012 (1st Edition) |
Author: | Viktor Hatwagner ( |
Description: | Andrew Wilkie provided artwork of the Viribus Unitis to Viktor Hatwagner for the book as shown to the left. Below is a synopsis of the novel: "Two worlds collide. A passionate love story between an Austrian and an Italian on one side. In contrast, the real and historically documented history of the flagship of the k.u.k. Kriegsmarine, the "Viribus Unitis", with its tragic fate in the early morning of November 1, 1918. What does Stefan's sudden visions mean, which haunt him again and again since he first met Anna in Vienna? What is the connection between this mysterious medallion he inherited from his father? Can it really be that a long-forgotten ship threatens to destroy this great love on purpose? Stefan takes up the fight and goes on a dangerous search for answers to the events of the "Viribus Unitis" at the time of the First World War. The present novel consists of two storylines that are closely intertwined in both content and text. The historical part deals with the real history of the "Viribus Unitis", the flagship of the k.u.k. Kriegsmarine, against the background of the First World War. The events told in the historical part up to the sinking of the ship on 1 November 1918 are based on facts that have happened exactly this way. In particular, however, the last days and hours of the "Viribus Unitis" as well as the occurrences in Pula during the already dissolving monarchy are reproduced truthfully. The novel part, which is fictitious, learns in the course of history more and more links to those historical events. Nevertheless, it is Anna and Stefan, the two protagonists who stand with their experiences in the center of the novel." |
Item | Details |
Publisher: | Military History Institute and Museum (![]() |
Website Link: | ![]() |
ISBN: | 978-963-7097-95-9 |
Description: | This 400+ page book written by my friend Krámli Mihály, covers the history of the Austro-Hungarian Navy Battleships from the years of 1904 to 1914, when the war broke out. I had the pleasure of providing him with historical materials in the form of battleship images, drawings and plans. The book's front cover is my 3D model image of the battleship SZENT ISTVÁN. It was a pleasure to play a small part in the creation of this book, and look forward to the English version. |
Item | Details |
Publisher: | Amazon (Kindle Edition) |
Website Link: | ![]() |
ISBN: | ISBN-13: 9781234567890 ISBN-10: 1477123456 |
Description: | For less than 5 years, (1913-1918) the Austria-Hungarian Empire had a navy that was in part comprised of all big gun dreadnoughts, (or battleships). They were in their short lifetime to see 4 years of war and by the time the guns fell silent across the battlefields of Europe, 50% of that new dreadnought force lay on the seabed. Aside from a bombardment of the Italian mainland, they were never to fire their powerful main armament in anger. They were to be lost not to a blow by blow exchange of fire with their peers, but to Italian torpedoes and limpet mines carried into battle by fast torpedo boats and frogmen. Of all the battleships that were created in the years prior to the First World War, the four ships of the Tegetthoff class, were probably the most flawed, born from a designer with failing eyesight and a growing deafness, who refused to take sage advice from the German Admiralty in ship design. They were conceived through a process that saw political scheming and ‘untruths’ told. But for all these flaws and the life’s they were to cost, the Tegetthoff class is one of the most fascinating in a genre of warship that has been lost to technological advancement in naval design. In conjunction with Andrew Wilkie’s stunning computerized images, that bring the class back to life, in a way no other battleship of the era has been so blessed, this ‘E’ book tells the story of the 4 dreadnoughts, from conception, to their ultimate demise. The book holds over 300 photographs and plans, having been heavily researched and drawing on a wide range of sources and experts. This the second edition of the book has been expanded prodigiously beyond the scope of its earlier predecessor, covering topics that the first publication only touched on. The final product is an in-depth study of the class that will hopefully appeal to a wide cross section of readers. On a final note, this volume is the second addition and the textual errors that were prevalent in its predecessor have been amended. This edition has been proofread by three separate persons and corrections made. For those who brought the original edition I apologize, and I have learnt much from the mistakes within that first book I had penned. This new edition is only based on the foundation of what went before and is a different creature altogether. Its subject matter is deeper, wider and draws from sources that span the globe. Andy South |
Item | Details |
Publisher: | Belvedere Meridionale, Szeged |
Online Book: | ![]() |
ISBN: | 978-615-6060-43-3 (print) 978-615-6060-44-0 (online PDF) |
Description: | This 197 page book written by my friend Krámli Mihály, covers the history and designs of the Austro-Hungarian Navy Battleships from the years of 1904 to 1914. The book's front and back cover is my 3D model image of the battleship SZENT ISTVÁN. I also provided proof-reading assistance. I am very honoured to help my friend with his project and will be a prized piece of my personal book collection. |